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Read all you like, but leave a comment. It's the exact opposite of a camp ground.


Interesting videos

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wjfrexe61XI One of the most dramatic videos of the revolution I've ever seen. It was just photos with only few short short clips but jeez did that capture everything that was going on during the war. What I realy liked was that they showed what life was like for the women and the families and the work they did. They show some really amazing photos some that i couldn't find anywhere on google. I don't know how they got away with ripping off the pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZfRaWAtBVg This is like a parody of Apologize by timberland. It starts out with the original sound and it lasts for a little while the it gets off task and turns into like the fiddler on the roof kinda thing. Then, out of the fricken' blue, they thought it would be a great idea to turn it into a mix of KISS and  Alice Cooper... it wasn't.

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