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Art on the American Revolution

 I can't imagine that EVER being a good battle strategy. It must of taken a lot of guts to be in the front row. Nowadays, if we used that strategy we would get blown out of the ground with one grenade. I guess that kinda shows how far we've come military wise

I think this might be one of the most if not the second  most recognizable piece of artwork in american history. I'm not sure but I think he might be reading the declaration of independence. The coolest feature i find in this photo it the shield with the flags on it on the back wall.
This really doesn't have anything to do with the revolution. But you have to admit it's really cool.
This is an example of guerilla tactics. Guerilla tactics is when you hide out at the sides and shoot from an angle. It's to make a big group of soldier lessen more and more until it becomes a small group that can be easily taken down.... or they could of made some kind of explosive.

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