Welcome one and all !

Read all you like, but leave a comment. It's the exact opposite of a camp ground.


The only video that can bring you into their time...


I've used this video before in previous blogs, but I just had to come back to it. There is not one other video that can really bring you into their time. It starts of with a quote from Thomas Jefferson.
           "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
The music starts to pick up and it shows what life was like before the acts. It goes on like a timeline in pictures of what happened next. It shows the acts being put up and patriots reaction to it. It shows The Boston tea party and the Boston massacre. Then we see war break out. Battle after battle. Ship battles, fist battles, reenactments, clip after clip, photo after photo. It's like non-stop action even when most of the video isn't moving.

Most Important person.

          The King of England...If you think about it, the Revolutionary war would of never happened without him. The modern day king is probably Osama Bin Laden. He isn't a kind or even close but he opened up America's eyes like the king and practically showed us that nothing will come easy and America isn't as safe as you would think. The kind made all of these laws, fines, and punishment to keep order when he was only building up the chaos. You can't cage danger. But danger can only cage you. The king preferably eats $$ O's for breakfast. The only leadership he showed was threats if you didn't do what he asked you to do.

Art on the American Revolution

 I can't imagine that EVER being a good battle strategy. It must of taken a lot of guts to be in the front row. Nowadays, if we used that strategy we would get blown out of the ground with one grenade. I guess that kinda shows how far we've come military wise

I think this might be one of the most if not the second  most recognizable piece of artwork in american history. I'm not sure but I think he might be reading the declaration of independence. The coolest feature i find in this photo it the shield with the flags on it on the back wall.
This really doesn't have anything to do with the revolution. But you have to admit it's really cool.
This is an example of guerilla tactics. Guerilla tactics is when you hide out at the sides and shoot from an angle. It's to make a big group of soldier lessen more and more until it becomes a small group that can be easily taken down.... or they could of made some kind of explosive.



I hope this message finds you well. When you talk about the idea of "strong leadership," I think you want to bring some more of the history in there. How was Washington a strong leader? What did he do that was so unique? How did he provide the will to win, the desire for success? I feel that more needs to be given according to these ideas and more history should be present. The blogging idea is there. The blogging voice is there, but the historical analysis is needed. Bring the history into this and you are set (Specific examples, details, reference points from the history.)
All best.

 I think that you need to lay out a clearer case as to how the idea of blogging is fundamentally more efficient and more worthwhile than traditional writing. It's hinted, but not really clearly stated. I think that this is needed. Question: What can we do with blogging that we could not do with traditional writing. This might be something to think about as you, yourself, blog away. All best." ---- Mr. Kannan

Thank you man, I will look over the posts and threw my blog and make sure you suggestions go to the right place. I didn't understand that we needed to put facts about it I thought you were asking for us to talk about our thoughts on it. But I guess that a little follow up on my statement wouldn't hurt. And I will go back and make sure the questions are answered

"Brian this is awesome now be a man and be a man" ---Sam

Samuel,  I am a man. A big man.


                  "George Washington never gave up. Although he faced sharp criticism in Congress, his courage and knowledge won him broad support in the army. By the end of the war, he was the new nations most admired hero."

               I can really connect to that, to me it's saying, even against all odds, never give up. He didn't listen to criticism that our nations congress gave him, he just blew them off and kept going. and he took his knowledge and used it to it's extent to come up with battle strategies and war plans which also helped him earn his respect in the army. It's more of a life changing quote rather than a fact in a book. George Washington is my favorite person in the revolutionary war no doubt.


Interesting videos

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wjfrexe61XI One of the most dramatic videos of the revolution I've ever seen. It was just photos with only few short short clips but jeez did that capture everything that was going on during the war. What I realy liked was that they showed what life was like for the women and the families and the work they did. They show some really amazing photos some that i couldn't find anywhere on google. I don't know how they got away with ripping off the pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZfRaWAtBVg This is like a parody of Apologize by timberland. It starts out with the original sound and it lasts for a little while the it gets off task and turns into like the fiddler on the roof kinda thing. Then, out of the fricken' blue, they thought it would be a great idea to turn it into a mix of KISS and  Alice Cooper... it wasn't.

Check your progress questions 6-1 & 6-2

1)a)Thomas Pains idea for Common Sense was the fact that the colonies and the U.K. need to seperate
b) Common Sense was a huge wake up call for the colonies because a man who originated from Britain and moved to the colonies wrote a paper on why we should separate instead of being a downer.

2)a) The most important parts of the Declaration of independence are -Natural Rights -List of Grievances -and dissolving the bonds
2)b) The list of Grievances was an important  factor to the Declaration because it explains the colonies reasoning.
4) intro
5)formal statement of opinion
6)formal complaints

1)a)In December of 1776 Washington crossed the Delaware.
1)b) His actions showed that even when time seem tough you have to pull through and finish what you started, in this case the battle.
2)a)*ended British's threat to new england *destroyed Britain's hope for and easy victory* showed Europe that America had a sound chance of winning
2)b) I think if they hadn't won the battle the odds would double against the America's chances winning


Revolutionary war

I was reading about the revolutionary war earlier and I find it amazing how the Americans won. The biggest thing the had was the will to fight and a strong leader. George Washington was that,He didn't expect his men to do something he wouldn't do himself. He didn't send troops across the Delaware, he lead troops across the Delaware. He trusted his troops as much as they relied on him. Washington had no physical special treatment, he lived through what his troops lived through.  They didn't have nice uniforms, a lot of food nor medicine or ammo while the British had enough food to hold parties and balls. Most of the time they were without shoes yet they still kept fighting, it's amazing what they went through to win their freedom. If you think about it, it was kinda their advantage over British army. The British hired mercenaries to fight for them for a living, you so sometimes it occurred to them that the money wasn't worth the work and quit when times were tough. But Americans fought for freedom for the wife, children, family and friends, which is always worth fighting for. So no matter what they would never give up the fight for anyone.


fun work! or does that not make sence?

                work documents are extremely hard and take a large amount of time and effort to finish with the same result you can get from blogging. Let me give you a brief list of what blogging can do that traditional writing can't.
*transferring documents to another computer is a breeze
*you don't need special programming to do it
*you cant lose a document. its on the internet.
*forget it at home? no you didn't its on every computer here.
*you don't have to be a brainiac to start one
*you can get your ideas out in the open for all to see
*It's actually fun

 No one likes stale talk, they want to hear you talk. Plus, Blogger is an online service, there is no need to by special applications to get your work done AND you can never forget to leave you document at home. Blogging may be the most useful online tool the I have found.  Work documents are good for few things, looking professional and you can laugh at the fact of all the tree's you just killed to write a stupid paper on things that everyone already knows. Blogging is for everyone to see., it's public, not just directed to one person When you find the cure to cancer and you want to type it down professionally then its alright. Blogging is simple quick, and it's necessary. I can see blogging, in the future, to be the most efficient way to work.